Jun 4, 2005
Thanks to Helen for this Star article about Scott's new show . You may have to register.
Jun 2, 2005
According to this , Dave and Phil Gordon can be heard on the commentary of the new DVD set, The Essential Steve McQueen Collection .
Jun 1, 2005
Kidding Around is a Calgary Sun article about Bruce's movie Comeback Season . And, because you can't get enough, another Gay Wedding article .
May 30, 2005
If you missed Dave's guest spots on I'm With Her and Las Vegas , you may enjoy this huge-ass pile of screencaps that Mally sent me.
Another My Fabulous Gay Wedding article: Fairy-Dusted Vows .
this is a weblog devoted to comedy troupe kids in the hall. are you a KITH fan? tend to be good at finding things of notifiable content? want to join? drop me an email ! (it may take a while, but i'll get to it)
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